My Cannabis Time Capsule: Looking Back to Move Forward

In the shadow of the ancient civilizations that once utilized cannabis, I find myself reflecting on my own personal journey with the plant. From my first introduction to marijuana (Cheech and Chong) and then my first joint, to the on-again, off-again relationship marked by stigma and hesitation, it's been a winding path. At first, I was uncertain, hesitant even. Then, came a desire to understand how cannabis could help address my health concerns. This sparked a deeper curiosity, leading to a whole new appreciation of the plant.

What followed was a crash course into the cannabis industry—a few intense years that led to inevitable burnout. But with time came acceptance and a renewed perspective, not just on cannabis but on myself.

Many life changes influenced this journey, but I now feel a more authentic connection with cannabis. Looking back, I can see the growth in my understanding—not just of the plant, but of life itself—and I have a much clearer vision of what I want moving forward.

This website is my labor of love, an act of self-care, and a chronicle of my personal cannabis journey. It reflects the good, the bad, the ugly, and the miraculous. My hope is that by sharing my story with transparency, it might resonate with others, or at the very least, offer a bit of entertainment.

xo, Cara

******| NUGGET |

Cara Luhring

Connecting Women & Cannabis

Looking Forward: The Next 100 Years of Cannabis


The Impact of Cannabis Prohibition on Research and Innovation