The Role of Hemp in History: From Rope to Revolution

Hemp, a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis, has been a cornerstone of human civilization for millennia, valued for its versatility and strength. From ancient China, where it was used for paper and textiles, to colonial America, where it was essential for rope, sails, and clothing, hemp has shaped economies and industries. In the early American colonies, hemp was so important that it was used as legal tender in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. The crop was a staple until the advent of the cotton gin in the late 18th century. Hemp's decline began with the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which conflated hemp with psychoactive cannabis, leading to its criminalization. However, the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp at the federal level, has sparked a hemp renaissance. Today, hemp is being rediscovered as a sustainable alternative for everything from bioplastics to building materials, marking its return as a revolutionary crop for the future.

Cara Luhring

Connecting Women & Cannabis

Cannabis and Social Justice: Lessons from the Past


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